Key Investment Themes for 2023

In Kürze

Views from around the Generali Investments ecosystem


2022 saw geopolitics dominate attention, with events in Ukraine unsettling and resetting markets and the global economy. Meanwhile, investors also contended with eye-watering inflation, steep rate hikes and higher volatility across the board.

Will 2023 bring more of the same or are we seeing a fundamental shift in the macroeconomic picture? To answer this, we are pleased to present the latest views from the specialist asset management firms across the Generali Investments platform, as they look ahead to the risks and opportunities that 2023 may present.

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Key Investment Themes 2023

Investment Outlooks

Experts from across the Generali Investments platform share their outlooks for a range of asset classes, from active equity, fixed income and multi-asset, to liquid alternatives and real assets.

Each asset management firm’s investment approach is fully autonomous, with their own distinct focus and investment philosophy. This plurality of thought is a key strength of our platform, aiming to help investors unlock new investment solutions and possibilities.


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