Adoption of a Beehive
Care of bees is one of the main forms of attention to sustainability.
Click here to find out more
We try to keep our menu as sutainable as possible.
We consider:
Menu with low water footprint
Km0 products (Regional and surrounding areas).
We are conscious of our impact energy, therefore we put our attention on modern low-consumption technology, reducing environmental impact.
We are conscious of our impact energy, therefore we put our attention on the reduction of the use of printed materials in favor of digital. For example:
Site for Agenda
The Andrea Aprea restaurant is located inside the Luigi Rovati Foundation, which is a LEED certified building. The electricity supplies come exclusively from renewable sources, furthermore the air conditioning systems use groundwater and are highly efficient. All the lighting is made with LED systems, and the building is equipped with a 12.5 KW photovoltaic system.
Within the menus each individual product is used at 100%, all the parts are noble and come to life in different preparations, thus avoiding food waste.
All the floral centerpieces will be made in collaboration with a studio in the Milan area that deals with event arrangements with an approach linked to the Slow Flowers philosophy, i.e. ethical and responsible for the environment.
The origin of the flowers used is mainly zero km, from Lombard growers who have direct distribution with the studio. Where there is no possibility of recovering flowers from nearby areas, the supply takes place only through Italian growers. These suppliers using heated greenhouses have the possibility of having flowers earlier than flower farms.
Furthermore, all the compositions are created by not using florist sponges (highly polluting) but with alternative and sustainable techniques.
Purpose: To facilitate the access to the Museum for the hearing-impaired visitors and ensure inclusiveness during some events of the Foundation.
Subject: Production of videos in Italian Language of Signs (LIS) and simultaneous translation support in LIS for the educational events.
Contribution to the project for the inclusion of deaf people through the production of the Videoguides for the exhibition «The face and the allegory» which opens on September 25th.
Les dernières vues, perspectives et idées d'investissement des experts de notre plateforme.
8.30 - 8.45
Welcome, opening remarks
8.45 - 9.30
Introduction to Conning Holdings Limited
9.30 - 10.30
Understanding today's China by comprehending its history: lessons the past teach us to deal with the present
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 - 11.30
Update on 2022-2024 strategic plan
11.30 - 12.30
Group insurance portfolios: opportunities and challenges
12.30 - 13.15
Closing remarks from GCEO
13.15 - 15.00
Agenda | 7th November 2023
Palazzo Clerici
Via Clerici 5 - 20121 Milano
Agenda | 8th November 2023
Kerry Brown is Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College, London. He is an adjunct of the Australia New Zealand School of Government in Melbourne, and the co-editor of the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, run from the German Institute for Global Affairs in Hamburg. He is President of the Kent Archaeological Society and an Affiliate of the Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit at Cambridge University.
From 2012 to 2015 he was Professor of Chinese Politics and Director of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Australia. Prior to this he worked at Chatham House from 2006 to 2012, as Senior Fellow and then Head of the Asia Programme. From 1998 to 2005 he worked at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, as First Secretary at the British Embassy in Beijing, and then as Head of the Indonesia, Philippine and East Timor Section. He lived in the Inner Mongolia region of China from 1994 to 1996. He has a Master of Arts from Cambridge University, a Post Graduate Diploma in Mandarin Chinese (Distinction) from Thames Valley University, London, and a Ph D in Chinese politics and language from Leeds University.
Professor Brown directed the Europe China Research and Advice Network (ECRAN) giving policy advice to the European External Action Service between 2011 and 2014. He is the author of almost 20 books on modern Chinese politics, and has written for every major international news outlet, and been interviewed by every major news channel on issues relating to contemporary China.
Ph.D. Professor
Dress code
- Dinner: business attire
- Working session: business casual
Transfer service
19h15 Common transfer organized from hotel to Palazzo Clerici and viceversa for those staying at Principe di Savoia Hotel
Location - Dinner
PALAZZO CLERICI, Via Clerici 5 - 20121 Milano (MI)
Location - Working session
PRINCIPE DI SAVOIA HOTEL, Piazza della Repubblica 17 - 20124 Milano (MI)
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