
Real Estate

We offer high quality European and US real estate strategies, through both equity and debt structures


The Strategies

  • Senior & mezzanine real estate debt

  • Funds of funds Asia

  • Risk/return profile: Core/Core+ and Value-added

  • Offices

  • High-street retail

  • Shopping centres

  • Residential

  • Logistics

Generali Real Estate* is our specialist European real estate affiliate, providing long-term investors broad solutions across equity and debt. With extensive experience managing the real estate portfolio of Generali Group, the firm offers unparalleled industry capabilities for clients who wish to invest in the real economy while seeking stable, risk-adjusted returns. 

A distinctive portfolio of green-label, landmark buildings

By managing a distinctive mix of historical and modern landmark buildings across Europe and the UK, Generali Real Estate has developed best-in-class skills in terms of technological innovation, and sustainability, and urban development.

Generali Real Estate’s strategies cover the full risk-return spectrum and the large team of around 370 professionals provides them with up-to-date visibility on the European market thanks to extensive relationships established over time in the market with international, reputable sponsors, banks, and financing partners.

ESG is at the heart of their real estate strategy. Many of the underlying assets in the strategies have Green Label Certification granted by the most reputable certifications bodies in the industry, including “outstanding” ratings from HQE and BREEAM.



Professionals: 370

Offices: Milan, Rome, Paris, Madrid, Cologne, Wien, Prague, London, Warsaw, Brussels and Trieste

*Full name: Generali Real Estate S.p.A.

Source: Generali Real Estate S.p.a. and Generali Real Estate SGR S.p.a., data as of Q2 2024, referring to both capital invested and committed.


The Strategies

  • Middle market core-plus

  • Value-add

  • Opportunistic real estate

Pearlmark is our specialist US commercial real estate affiliate, providing investors the opportunity to invest through both equity and debt structures.

High-quality US commercial real estate

Since 1996, Pearlmark has made over 575 equity and debt investments, totalling approximately $14.2 billion in gross investment value. Pearlmark’s complementary investment strategies in the equity and high-yield debt markets provide a holistic perspective in sourcing, underwriting, and managing investments.

Pearlmark’s equity platform targets middle-market value-add investments in compelling growth markets across the United States.

Pearlmark’s high-yield debt platform targets core+, value-add, and opportunistic investments across the United States.

To ensure alignment of interest throughout the process, Pearlmark’s managing directors and managing principals invest personally alongside investors.


Assets under Management

Professionals: 26

Offices: Chicago, Denver, Irvine, New York

Pearlmark’s AUM data as of end of Q2 2024 includes PREP Investment Advisers, L.L.C. and Pearlmark Real Estate L.L.C.’s gross investment value for equity investments, outstanding loan receivables for debt investments, and unfunded mmitments. Pearlmark is an indirect subsidiary of Conning Holdings Limited (CHL) whose controlling shareholder is Generali Investments Holding S.p.A.

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© Generali Investments, all rights reserved. This website is provided by Generali Investments and is considered as a marketing communication and financial promotion related to the products and services of the following companies belonging to the Generali group: Generali Investments Partners S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Generali Insurance Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Generali Investments Luxembourg S.A. and Generali Investments Holding S.p.A. (hereinafter jointly, Generali Investments). Moreover, the website may contain marketing communication and financial promotion of products and services of companies part of the multi-boutique platform coordinated by Generali Investments Partners S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, and in particular of Infranity, Sycomore Asset Management, Aperture Investors LLC., Plenisfer Investments SGR, Lumyna Investments, Sosteneo Infrastructure Partners SGR, Axis Retail Partners S.p.A. and Generali Real Estate S.p.A. Società di Gestione del Risparmio